30 septiembre 2019

One step

Keep walking and cross the desert of hope,
to leave the known behind, 
the family courtyard,
the streets of friends,
and the laughter of Grandpa's nights.

Breaking ties,
and have your life tied to your back,
because you can't take any more, 
just the percentage of misery you got at the fair; 
nothing else.

Take you with me in search of light
that hasn't been seen yet,
the one they say is beyond,
of a million steps in solitude.

Follow because your gaze is my breath,
your snails that sing the future,
your warm hands that urge you to take a step further.

After arriving, see the wall, 
stop it and feel the cold;
we have arrived, 
a step away from being,
that you'll be ripped out of my hands, 
to lose your gaze and your warmth,
and just keep your tears.

Then dream of despair,
that vertebrae and multiply,
like an invisible virus,
that ends up drowning me into silence.

You don't understand; neither do I.
Hands, gags, lights, shackles 
and finally the bars of incomprehension.

Then come back with the rubble of hope on your back,
to lift the bloody knees,
with split dolls,
and get back on track because there's nothing left behind.

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