31 mayo 2019

Un recuerdo y la verdad

Fuente: propia
Ayer viendo el programa de Página Dos en el canal 2 de RTVE, hacían una entrevista a la escritora Marysé Condé y dijo que cuando se habla de recuerdo, no se sabe qué es verdad y qué es mentira y que nos han contado tantas cosas que creemos que las hemos vivido.
Esto me hizo recordar una historia que yo contaba, que cuando era un niño tenía un recuerdo clarísimo y siempre había pensado que me había ocurrido a mí.
El recuerdo en sí era que estaba en la playa de las Alcaravaneras, que había cogido una colchoneta inflable, de esas de playa y que me había ido mar adentro. Luego pasó una lancha y la volcó. Yo me agarré a ella, pero no podía subir y estuve a punto de ahogarme. Gracias a mis tíos que estaban en la playa y lograron sacarme.
Yo siempre contaba esta historia como si me hubiera ocurrido en realidad. Si hubiera estado delante de un tribunal, hubiera jurado y perjurado que me ocurrió, incluso, hubiera pasado el detector de mentiras. 
Así pasaron muchos años, hasta que en la adolescencia, un tío mio me contó una historia que le había pasado a mi padre y resulta que era idéntica a la que yo creía que me había pasado a mí, pero en vez de una colchoneta, mi padre usó una barca. 
La historia que me contó mi tío relataba como mi padre había cogido una barca y se había perdido. Salieron en su busca y estuvieron toda la tarde buscándolo y lo encontraron al anochecer, desfallecido, pero bien. 
En ese momento inferí que yo oí aquella historia y la hice mia, sin saber muy bien porqué, quizás porque me encanta contar historias.
Después de oírla, le pregunté a mi madre si recordaba que a mí me hubiera pasado algo parecido y me dijo que no, que nunca había estado a punto de ahogarme en ninguna playa, pero sí dentro de una lavadora, pero esa es otra historia que ya contaré.
Y esa historia me hizo reflexionar sobre los recuerdos de la infancia, que, quizás, muchos sean de historias oídas, pero que nunca hemos vivido y que, por alguna razón desconocida, hacemos nuestras y las incorporamos a nuestros recuerdos como si realmente las hubiésemos vivido.

30 mayo 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? Colony, second season

Yesterday I finished watching the second season of Colony on Netflix and I still find it an interesting series, with the necessary elements to follow it closely chapter by chapter, without losing sight of the main plot that focuses on the survival of the Bowman family that tries, by all means, to emerge unscathed from the alien invasion.
What is true is that the thirteen chapters of this second season, are not as exciting as those of the first installment and some chapters are a little dispensable and try to resolve issues that have little that they see with the main plot that is the one that interests us.
However, and in spite of this, the series follows me interesting result, because it keeps you in front of the television with enough expectation not to take the step to continue with something else.
Video source: Youtube
Now I'm waiting for Netflix to come up for the third season and what the Bowman family has in store for us.

Production Broadcasted by USA Network; Legendary Television: / Universal Cable Productions / MELS.
Leadership: Juan José Campanella
Script: Carlton Cuse and Ryan J. Condal.
Date: 2017.
Cast: Isabella Crovetti, Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies, Peter Jacobson.
Chapter duration: 45 min, approximately.

The Bowman family tries to survive in the alien colony of the city of Los Angeles, trying to stay together despite the difficulties that prevent them and have to face a multitude of problems to achieve that goal.

29 mayo 2019

¿Qué he leído? Castigos justificados de Michael Hjorth



Ayer terminé de leer Castigos justificados de Michael Hjorth y la impresión final es que no me ha gustado ni la trama principal ni las subtramas adyacentes que, en mi opinión, estaban en el texto de relleno, porque esas subtramas no aportaban ni estaban relacionadas con la trama principal.
Creo que las subtramas son pertinentes cuando estas están relacionadas con la trama principal, si no es así, parece, como ocurre en esta novela, que la columna vertebral de la novela no da para más y el autor tiene que contar historias para aumentar el número de páginas final y eso se nota mucho en este libro.


Formato: EPUB.
Páginas: 544.
Editorial: Planeta.
ISBN: 978-8408180654.


Un asesino en serie comienza a asesinar a personajes que están relacionados con los realities televisivos y la policía comienza a buscar pistas para encontrar al asesino.

28 mayo 2019

Yesterday's way

Source: own
Cover me with your mantle, 
the one of silence, the one of waiting,
the one with the lie,
that one, ragged by the dust of oblivion.

I will stand still,
opening the pores to sweat,
and spit out the memories of your dead, 
their forgotten bones in the moldy corners.

I will try to get up, 
a hand resting on the soul,
and the knees in living flesh 
after going through your guilty silences.

I will look at you standing,
looking for the right balance between soul and heart,
leaning on the staff of resignation,
seeking in your eyes the tears of forgiveness.

I will turn around, turning my back on you,
Stay! Stay!
but I'll take what couldn't have been,
and what it wasn't,
the wreckage of the shipwreck in the abyss,
the rudder aimlessly
and the letters that no one will read anymore.

Only the wake of your imprisoned memories will remain,
the photographs of smiles and sunset,
the broken and lying mirrors,
your rain through the glass
and coffee afternoons with your ghost.

26 mayo 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? Collateral

Between Saturday and Sunday I finished watching the mini-series Collateral, which has Netflix on screen, and I was pleasantly impressed, because it is a series that deals with such a hot topic as immigration and the mafias of human trafficking. 
As I say, I liked the main plot, which starts with the death of a pizza delivery man of Arabian race. From then on, the plot advances, chapter after chapter, with an acceptable rhythm, until, in the third chapter (the mini-series has four chapters), the series slows down, as if it needed to catch a little air to keep moving forward.
Video source: Netflix

In each chapter, the knots of the miniseries, the main plot and the subplots are untied. To say that the subplots are related to the main plot, but linked to smoking paper, that if they were removed, in my opinion, the tape would work in the same way. However, if we removed them, the mini-series would have remained a classic film. Perhaps this is the part of the sub-plots, the weakest part of the miniseries, because of the rest, it is enough to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Production company: The Forge / British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) / Netflix / The Forge Entertainment.
Leadership: S.J. Clarkson.
Script: David Hare.
Date: 2018.
Cast: Carey Mulligan, John Simm and Nicola Walker.
Chapter length: 58 min.

A pizza delivery man is killed in one of his deliveries, from there the police try to find out who or who is behind that crime and they will encounter a multitude of problems that they will try to solve through their investigations.

24 mayo 2019

The vinaigrette and its flowers

Source: own
Yes, I know, it's the second time I've taken a flower from the vinaigrette, but it's just that I couldn't resist taking pictures of these simple, but at the same time, beautiful flowers.

Moreover, like the theatre, each photograph is different, it is never the same, because, simply, each moment is different, because everything changes in the next instant.

You take a picture now and you take a picture the next second and you already have another picture. Maybe you don't perceive it with the naked eye, but something has changed, like the light, because the sun is no longer in the same place, the passage of a cloud that makes a semi-transparent screen, the flight of a bird, in short, that the world we know changes with each step we take.

That's why I took the photograph because the set, light, colors and flowers, seemed to me worthy of immortalizing it, with which I didn't think much about it.

23 mayo 2019

¿Qué he visto en Netflix? Segunda temporada de Suburra



Ayer terminé de ver la segunda temporada de Suburra y tengo que decir que me gustó bastante, no más que la primera temporada, pero estuvo a la altura, manteniendo la tensión dramática sin desviarse con subtramas inútiles que no llevan a ningún sitio.
Aunque a mitad de la temporada, sobre el episodio cuarto, la serie entra en una especie de ralentización de la acción, como si quisiera coger un poco de resuello y seguir con el ritmo que llevaba desde el capítulo uno.
Lo importante, en mi opinión, es que la serie sigue manteniendo el interés en cómo los tres amigos, Aureliano, Spadino y Lele, intentan convertirse en los nuevos reyes mafiosos de Roma, con una acción directa y sin los líos que nos alejan de la trama principal.
Espero que la tercera temporada, que en el capítulo octavo nos dieron un adelanto de cómo iba ser, sea igual o más interesante que esta.


Producción: Cattleya / Rai Fiction. Distribuida por Netflix.
Dirección: Michele Placido, Andrea Molaioli, Giuseppe Capotondi.
Guion: Barbara Petronio, Ezio Abbate, Fabrizio Bettelli, Daniele Cesarano, Nicola Guaglianone.
Fecha: 2019.
Reparto: Filippo Nigro, Alessandro Borghi, Francesco Acquaroli, Adamo Dionisi, Giacomo Ferrara, Claudia Gerini, Carlotta Antonelli, Daniele Amendola, Eduardo Valdarnini, Paola Sotgiu, Barbara Chichiarelli, Alessandro Bernardini, Lorena Cesarini, Mirella Sarachelli.
Duración: 55 minutos.


Los tres amigos, Aureliano, Spadino y Lele, intentan controlar por todos los medios posibles la mafia que impera en Roma, pero se encontrarán con muchas dificultades, tanto dentro de sus familias, como por fuera y tendrán que superar pruebas muy duras para alcanzar su objetivo.

22 mayo 2019

Impossible circuit

Source: own
I have already commented on other occasions, that the creators have a different vision of the world from the rest of mortals and I do not say it to presume, but to verify a fact. What for you may be something insignificant, for me has an artistic value that I will be able to use at any moment.
You can walk around the city and only see people and cars, but the creators see many more things, the insignificant detail, the small plant that makes its way through a crack in the asphalt, the butterfly that rests on your hat, the rest of an old man in front of the sea, the cat sleeping on a roof, the dove that sleeps on the sand on the beach, the traces of the seagulls in the solidified cement, the shoe lost after a night of partying, and so on.
I ask you a question, would you have photographed this impossible circuit? Maybe yes or maybe no. I stopped and did it. I took out my mobile phone, put it in landscape mode and took the picture.
Why did I do it? Because it seemed to me, in my opinion, that the image had an artistic value, that its apparent chaos of straight lines and curves, had a logical code given to it by the driver of the truck that cleaned the beach of Las Canteras first thing in the morning.

21 mayo 2019

Come closer

Source: own

Come over here without me noticing,
with the stealth of a panther,
and devour me until there's nothing left of me,
neither the bones nor the breath of the past.

Approach me without giving me explanations,
without asking the permission of the gods,
break the silence with your screams
and lie down next to me and sleep,
following the path of water.

Approach from the bent infinity,
from incomprehension and unconsciousness,
talk to me even if I don't understand you, 
give me your words and I'll turn them towards the universe.

Come closer and give me your warm hands,
cover me with the light of your suns 
illuminate my cave soul and
give me a second of light for my eternity.

Come closer, sit next to me, breathe with me,
feel the flow of our consciences,
close your active eyes and let yourself be carried away
to the beyond where today it's just you and me

20 mayo 2019

Carricoches de cojinetes

Hace ya mucho tiempo. Sí, estábamos a las puertas de la pre-adolescencia y las gentes de los barrios periféricos teníamos que buscarnos la vida para divertirnos, porque nuestros juguetes eran escasos y teníamos que tirar de imaginación para construirlos.
Uno de esos juguetes eran los carricoches de cojinetes, que construíamos con una madera que encontrábamos en la basura. La madera no tenía que ser muy grande, pero sí con el largo y ancho suficiente para que pudiésemos estar sentados de forma cómoda.

Luego había que buscar los cojinetes (las ruedas de nuestro carricoche) y para ello nos recorríamos todos los talleres de mecánica de Escaleritas y Schamann, que casi siempre tenían alguno que ya no les era útil y nos lo regalaban.

Después buscábamos los listones para encajar los cojinetes, para hacer las ruedas de atrás y las de delante, que incluía la dirección asistida (por una cuerda), buscando que quedaran bien anclados al tablero, porque alguna vez salían volando cuando alcanzábamos la velocidad de crucero y terminábamos rodando por el suelo.

Otros eran más atrevidos y hacían un super carricoche y sin pensarlo mucho, cogían una puerta vieja, le colocaban las maderas con los cojinetes y a volar con ella.
Y no faltaban las competiciones que realizábamos en cualquier carretera del barrio, que tuviera el suficiente desnivel para salir disparados hacia abajo en busca de la máxima velocidad y de la máxima felicidad.
Así pasábamos nuestra infancia y sí, lo pasábamos de maravilla.

19 mayo 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? Colony, first season

I like science fiction films and series as long as they are well made and their plot is plausible. This is the case of the Colony series which has enough wickers to keep you sitting in front of the television with expectation.
The main plot is simple and that everyone understands and is none other than to survive in a land colonized by an extraterrestrial civilization that uses humans themselves to control their fellow humans.
I like that the main plot is that, the main plot, and that the subplots, which have them, do not overlap the plot that gives body to the series, because sometimes the subplots end up ruining the series, as for example, Travellers.
You have to bear in mind that Colony has a very slow start, so much so that I was about to leave it. However, in the second chapter he begins to warm up engines and put you in situation, until he ended up hooking me, not only for having an attractive argument, but the actors are at a good level.

Video source: Youtube

In short, it is an interesting series, with the right ingredients to spend the nights enjoying a science fiction cinema of a certain quality.

Production Broadcasted by USA Network; Legendary Television: / Universal Cable Productions / MELS.
Leadership: Juan José Campanella
Script: Carlton Cuse and Ryan J. Condal.
Date: 2016.
Cast: Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies, Peter Jacobson.
Chapter length: 45 min, approximately.

An alien civilization has colonized the earth and forcibly subjugate humans and use them to monitor and control their fellow humans. Some, the resistance, begin to organize themselves to confront them and others end up collaborating to survive.

17 mayo 2019

Feet in the garden

Source: own
There were the feet, only the feet of a sculpture that was and that time eroded until it was reduced to almost dust and, thinking about it, perhaps it is a metaphor of our own life that, little by little, is deteriorating until we become pure organic matter.
When these feet, appearing in one of the flowerbeds of a friend's garden, I thought that there was hidden a sculpture, I removed the branches of a chiflera with interest, but what a surprise to find only my feet. I admit that the image impressed me and for that reason I didn't hesitate to photograph them, wondering why my friend kept them there.
I never asked her and I know that, with time, they will also be reduced to dust.

16 mayo 2019

El Pino de Pilancones

Fuente: propia
El pasado jueves estuve en la presentación del libro En femenino y en plural de las autoras Alicia Verona, Carmen Mari Santana y Paqui Domínguez. Una vez finalizado el acto, me percaté que había una especie de escultura que parecía una rodaja de un árbol, que debía de ser muy antiguo, porque era bastante grande.
Me levanté, me acerqué y cuál fue mi sorpresa cuando leí en el granito que lo sustentaba, «Pilancones». Entonces lo recordé, aquella rodaja arbórea era del famoso Pino de Pilancones, el pino centenario que según los expertos tenía 550 años y que para rodearlo hacían falta cinco personas.
Entonces rememoré mis días de caminante por las cumbres de Gran Canaria, dos años que no olvidaré y en los que me recorrí, prácticamente, casi toda la isla a pie.
En una de estas rutas que iba desde Las Mesas hasta Maspalomas, pasando por el llamado Camino de Santiago, la ruta pasaba por el Pino de Pilancones y no podías hacer otra cosa que pararte a contemplar su majestuosidad porque era el pino más grande que había en la isla de Gran Canaria.

Sin embargo, la mano del hombre, el tiempo y los incendios acabaron con su majestuosa vida, quedando solo algunos recuerdos como el que está en el Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

Me gustó mucho ver parte de su recuerdo ahí, para recordarnos lo inmenso que fue y para no olvidar que esta isla hubo un pino centenario.

15 mayo 2019


Many times we find ourselves among many people and that is the moment when we find ourselves most lost, without knowing very well where we are going and we just want to find a helping hand to guide us and not give security.
And these sculptures, for me, reflect that feeling that sometimes becomes distressing, sculptures that seem to go from one side to the other and all of them to their own, perhaps, a faithful reflection of what is happening today in our societies, that we are more connected than ever, but at the same time, more alone than ever.
These sculptures are part of the Atlantic Museum of Lanzarote which has the particularity of being under water.

14 mayo 2019

La tirolina

Tendría yo nueve o diez años, no lo recuerdo bien, pero si recuerdo, a la perfección, cuando hicimos la tirolina en el barranco que estaba detrás de Los Galgos que, con los años, fue ocupado por un centro comercial que fue medio fracaso hasta que llegó una cadena de supermercados y le dio otra vida a la instalación.
La idea de la tirolina se nos ocurrió porque encontramos un cable de acero que era muy largo, tanto, que llegaba desde los lindes del barranco, que era una de las aceras, y llegaba al muro que hacía de frontera entre el barranco y el canódromo.
No lo pensamos mucho, atamos el cable a la barandilla que hacía de límite entre la acera y el barranco y lo llevamos hacia el muro. Allí, con mucho esfuerzo, logramos hacer un agujero en el bloque para poder pasar el cable de acero y poder atarlo debidamente.
Cuando quedó atado, probamos la tirolina, pero sin saber cómo la íbamos a usar. A uno de los nuestros se le ocurrió que podíamos usar el volante de una bicicleta vieja para tirarnos hacia abajo. El primer valiente se tiró con el volante, pero cogió tanta velocidad que se pegó un buen trompazo, aunque logró amortiguarlo utilizando sus pies.
Entonces teníamos otro problema, esta vez relacionado con la seguridad. Así que volvimos a pensar y se nos ocurrió que podíamos poner al final, algunas gomas de coches (teníamos cerca una gasolinera que arreglaba neumáticos) y eso fue lo que hicimos.
Sin embargo, los trompazos seguían siendo considerables, hasta que uno de los amigos vino con un colchón viejo, le hicimos un agujero, pasamos el cable y lo sujetamos al muro con cuerdas y tachas. Así que, el binomio colchón y neumáticos funcionó casi a la perfección y nos lo pasamos muy bien tirándonos como locos barranco abajo.
Fuente del vídeo: Youtube
Pero nuestra felicidad duró poco, porque algún vecino preocupado llamó a la policía municipal y desmontó nuestro invento manifestándonos que lo que habíamos hecho era una locura y que podríamos haber tenido un accidente grave, pero eso nunca ocurrió.
Lo único cierto es que nosotros nos lo pasábamos muy bien con nuestra tirolina casera.

13 mayo 2019

The eternal statue

I was late for work, so I got up as fast as I could and took to the street. Crossing to catch the tram, I was paralyzed, as if I had been stuck with a steel bar through the crown that kept me stuck to the asphalt. I couldn't take a single step. My brain sent orders to my muscles, but they didn't fucking listen. There I was, stuck in the road, unable to move.
A lady came up to me and asked me what was wrong with me, that it was dangerous to stay in the middle of the road. I can't move, I wanted to answer her, but I couldn't articulate a word. 
Soon a municipal police officer arrived and told me that I could not stay on the road. I looked at him and made a gesture of impossibility. He grabbed me by the right arm and tried to move me, but could not. He took a run and hit me like I was a quarterback who was willing to do a touchdown. However, he hit me and bounced as if he had hit a reinforced concrete block. From the ground he looked at me in awe, not quite understanding what was going on in that situation. He got up slowly, went to the patrol car and came back with five cones. He counted five steps, as if he were a football referee, in the opposite direction to the direction of traffic and put the first cone. Then he returned to my position and did the same until he placed the five cones in front of me, forming a barrier so that the cars wouldn't run over me.
However, when I was on the phone to the central, a car that came with excessive speed did not brake in time, took all the cones in front. I saw it coming and I thought it didn't count. The car rammed into me. I felt a slight tingling, as I watched as his driver shot out and fell twenty-five metres further and the car was left totally sinister. 
The policeman didn't know where to go, without understanding what was going on, he approached me and asked me if I was all right. I shook my head in the affirmative, raised my shoulders, pursed my lips, to tell him that for me too it was incomprehensible what was happening.
Ten minutes later they had cut off the lane in which I was petrified. They removed the junk into which the car was converted, the health services arrived to attend to the driver who had crashed into me and who was taken to the hospital in one of the ambulances. The toilets did all sorts of tests to check on me and the result was that I was in perfect condition.
Then came the city council technicians who, together with the firemen, tried with all their technical means to move me, but it was impossible. So, when the afternoon began to fall, they told me that they were going to break the asphalt in order to get me out of there. They put me in a waterproof suit over my head, put on a helmet and glasses and started the work.
After an hour and a half they managed to break the asphalt in order to get me off the road, but they could not. Five firefighters wanted to move me, but it was impossible, they even tried with a crane, but the attempt was unsuccessful. So they gave up.
There I spent that first night and in the morning they tried again, this time, digging a hole of more than eight meters, but they couldn't move me from the place either. The toilets asked me if I was hungry or if I had some kind of physiological need. I said no, I was fine.
After a month of useless work and studies, the mayor came to talk to me and told me that there was no way to get me out of there, that he had decided to build a square on the spot and that I would be in the center, that the institution would keep me in perfect condition.
With time I became a first-rate tourist attraction, which everyone wanted to visit and many tried to move me, there were even large bets, but no one managed to move me even a millimeter. There were also vandals who tried their best, but each and every one failed without remedy.
Many years passed, a century perhaps, I saw a nuclear war that almost killed life on earth and wiped out most of humanity, which almost disappeared from the face of the earth. 
One day, almost at dawn, a strange being of humanoid form approached me, smiled at me and said to me without articulating a word:
"Tour time has come."
I didn't understand why he was telling me that. He touched me and explained to me the reasons why they had turned me into a living statue. Then I understood.
Soon I felt the blood circulating through my body again and that I could move. I took a step and fell, but I rose like an inexperienced fawn that had just been born. I looked at the humanoid and smiled again. Then he said to me:
"Now you have the mission of transforming the world you know and you have all eternity."