31 julio 2019

Minerva: prow to the future

Source: own
We are less than a week away from the start of the season of Vela Latina Canaria and the boats are getting ready, soaking their hulls and maneuvers, with the first edges against the wind, pulling the sheet, to get as close as possible to the wind to seek the spirit and soul of the boats, which were born to face the wind and become the first.
The Minerva has not been left behind. This season we have been in the water since the second week of February, with the renewed hopes of going to the Tunnel to compete as we have always done, with the humility and veteranship that the 85 years of existence have given us, in which we have been up, in the middle and, also, down, but we have never lost the attitude of going out to compete no matter how strong the winds were; the Minerva has always been, is and will be there.
So here we are with the bow looking to the future, but also looking to the past to learn from our mistakes and know that objectives and goals are achieved with work, with a lot of teamwork. There is no other choice.
In the end we are left with the moments lived, those that led us to victory, but also to defeat, and those moments will continue to shape our history, that history of which we feel so proud.

30 julio 2019

Paseo por la isla Picuda


De visita por la isla de La Palma.

29 julio 2019

Natural embrace

Source: Own
On other occasions I have commented that nature never ceases to amaze me and some time ago I came across this image in a park of Ingenio.
The image is clear, a tree that hugged a palm tree to stay standing and not lose its balance and continue living and growing, although later, with the passage of time, ended up dying and the palm tree continued its way to the skies.
How many times have we needed someone like that palm tree! A friendly hand to help us, to hold us when we are about to fall into the abyss and to save us.
The sad thing is that we don't always find that log to hold on to, to keep us on our feet and follow our way with a firm floor and we get lost and, many times, we don't know how to get back.
Although it can also have another reading, that of impossible love, that misunderstood love, in the style of Romeo and Juliet; Montescos and Capuletos who did the unspeakable to prevent their love.
That embrace can mean the unconditional love of the tree for the palm tree, a love without any condition; only the natural and great love.
In short, nature gives us lessons because it knew, they have been learning from their mistakes for millions of years and we must learn from it.

28 julio 2019


Fuente: propia
Ya estamos frente a frente,
tú con tus ganas de perderte dentro de mí,
yo con las ganas de romper el frío
y dejarme llevar por el desenfreno,
rompiendo las fronteras invisibles,
y los muros del no lo entiendo.
Dejarte llevar, acercarte a mí,
romper el tiempo del café,
saltar el abismo de la mirada del sí, pero no,
recoger el roce furtivo y darle el debido abrigo,
que crezca como una onda en el mar
y sea un maremoto del que no pueda escapar.
Soñar con atravesar tus labios,
rescatar un beso, luego otro,
y así hasta conquistar las montañas que te cobijan, 
hasta quedarme a dormir en tus praderas.
Al final seguirá el tiempo del café,
de las miradas perdidas,
de los ojos que dicen,
de los roces que van y que se escapan,
y tú seguirás.

27 julio 2019

The 11M and the miserable

March 11, 2004 was a sad day for all Spaniards, a day that was engraved with bombs, blood and dead in the minds and hearts of all of us who live in this country.
I still remember the first moments of bombing, nobody knew who had planted the bombs and why. We were all listening on the radio, waiting for the number of fatalities to stop, but it did not stop, and the figure continued to rise until it reached the terrifying figure of 193 people and almost two thousand people suffered injuries of varying degrees.
We all look towards ETA because you will have from the terrorist group there were very bloody and despicable attacks, like the one in Hipercor, but when Arnaldo Otegi said that ETA had not been, we wondered who was behind the attacks.
The government, headed by Interior Minister Ángel Acebes, insisted that ETA was the author of the attacks, when the media, headed by the SER network, claimed that those responsible could be jihadists. This was confirmed.
The government maintained its position that those responsible should be sought in the terrorist group ETA, because the elections were just a stone's throw away. On March 14 there were elections and the government did not want the attacks to be related to Spain's intervention in the war in Iraq, but there is no doubt that this was the reason.
However, the lie cost them dearly. The Popular Party lost the elections of March 14, 2004, for trying to manipulate the bloodiest attack that has occurred in Spain to win an election.
Fifteen years later, with a police investigation of the most arduous, with a trial with thousands of pages and two judgments, one from the National High Court and the other from the Supreme Court, some still maintain that everything is still unclear in relation to the 11M attacks, which are still loose ends. These approaches are miserable and are an insult first to justice and then to each and every one of the victims of that terrible attack.
Yes, those who still doubt the authorship of the 11M attacks are miserable, because they only look for the electoral revenue, without thinking about the pain they cause to the victims and the damage they cause to the prestige of the Spanish justice system. It seems, like then, that they are only interested in winning an election, importing very little of the truth of what happened on March 11, 2004.

26 julio 2019

¿Qué audiolibro he escuchado? Basura de Héctor Abad Faciolince



El pasado lunes terminé de escuchar Basura Héctor Abad Faciolince, una novela que ganó el I Premio Casa de América a la Narrativa Americana Innovadora. Lo cierto es que la novela está muy bien escrita y uno se percata de que el autor domina el oficio de escritor, porque usa multitud de recursos literarios para presentarte al personaje, Davanzati, que es el autor que tira casi todo lo que escribe y que el narrador recoge de la basura.
También es bien cierto que la novela, al estar construida con trozos recogidos aquí y allá, por momentos se convierte en un galimatías y tienes que estar muy atento para no perderte y, al tiempo, desesperarte o aburrirte de la lectura.


Formato: Audiolibro.
Editorial: Libervox.
ISBN: 9788416526208.


Bernardo Davanzati es un escritor desencantado y que todo lo que escribe lo tira a la basura porque entiende que no merece ser leído ni publicado. Sin embargo, un vecino comienza a recoger de la basura todos sus escritos, a leerlos y, de alguna manera, a criticarlos.

25 julio 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? The Boy who harnessed the wind

Last Sunday I finished watching The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind, a BBC production distributed by Netflix and based on a true story. A film that impressed me very much because it talks about some realities of Africa that we don't know, about how technology can help to solve many of the difficulties that are happening there and that makes you think about that other world that is there, but that we don't know.

he Boy Who Harnessed The Wind is also a song for perseverance in an idea, which you know can work and can end up helping the community in which you live.

A film not to be missed and to be watched in peace.
Production company: BBC Films / BFI Film Fund / Blue Sky Films / Head Gear Films / Lipsync Post / Metrol Technology / Participant Media / Potboiler Productions. Distributed by Netflix.
Director: Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Script: Chiwetel Ejiofor 
Date: 2019.
Cast: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Maxwell Simba, Joseph Marcell, Aïssa Maiga 
Duration: 113 minutes.

A boy lives in his flesh the hardships that his family and his village are suffering because of the lack of water, which makes his family unable to cultivate. So he decides to build an air-generator to draw water from the well on his farm. The idea is a good one, but it is very complicated to carry it out.

22 julio 2019

Useful waste

 Fuente: propia 
Sometimes only the waste remains, which, at first glance, is of no use at all, only to increase the volume of the rubbish bin.
In nature almost everything has a second use, even a third and a fourth and we have to learn from it, observe how everything is recycled in it: the organic is transformed and becomes part of the life cycle.
Humans must learn from it, to understand that everything can be reused and recycled, trying, by all possible means, to reduce the ecological impact of our passage through this earth.
In my house I have a small bucket with soil and there go all the organic remains. Over time I see how nature puts itself into action and transforms an egg shell into fertilizer for my garden.
Nature is wise and it is clear; the only way to maintain itself without collapsing is to reuse and recycle all that it produces and for this it has millions of pieces of equipment that do nothing but dedicate themselves to this task, from the microscopic bacteria to the vultures.
However, humans do nothing but consume and consume, without stopping to think that the earth we inhabit has a limit and needs an intelligent response and that response is at our fingertips. We only have to observe and act.
In all this I thought when I finished peeling and eating the orange.

21 julio 2019

¿Qué he visto? La conspiración de Pedro Olea



Ayer domingo vi La conspiración en RTVE, dirigida por Pedro Olea, una película que llevaba ocho años olvidada en algún cajón de RTVE y ayer, por fin, logramos visionar. Decir que la película es muy interesante para saber cómo se fraguó el golpe de estado en 1936 y conocer los entresijos del levantamiento militar contra la República recién instaurada. 
La cinta se centra en el general Mola, magníficamente interpretado por Manuel Morón, que es el «director» que toma las riendas para planificar el golpe militar y es el que coordina a la mayoría de los generales para poner fin a la República por la fuerza. Un levantamiento que terminará con la Guerra Civil Española.
También se deja entrever cómo los dirigentes de la época no supieron ver el peligro que suponían los generales conspiradores, Mola, Franco y Goded y solo tomaron medidas cautelares contra ellos, dejándolos que siguieran con sus maniobras para derrocar a la República. Si hubieran tomado medidas más drásticas, como hicieron con Sanjurjo, quizás nunca hubiera ocurrido tal levantamiento.


Producción: Elías Querejeta / ETB / IDEM Producción Audiovisual / ETB.
Dirección: Pedro Olea.
Guion: Elías Querejeta.
Fecha: 2012.
Reparto: Manuel Morón, Silvia Marsó, Jorge Sanz, Álex Angulo, Alicia Borrachero, Mikel Tello, Aitor Merino, Iñaki Miramón, Antonio Valero.
Duración: 120 minutos.


El general Mola es trasladado, forzosamente, a Navarra como represalia a una pasada conspiración militar contra la República. Una vez allí, continúa con su proyecto de derrocar al poder legalmente establecido y organiza el levantamiento militar que tuvo lugar en julio de 1936.

20 julio 2019

Reading and time

Source: own
A good book is always a good excuse to spend a day at the beach because reading transports us to places we have never visited and activates processes that no other activity does.
I love to read on the beach and when the good weather arrives, I don't think about it much and I go to the beach in search of the tranquility necessary to lose myself, for a few hours, in the seas of good reading.
This man is clear, he looked for a quiet place to have a cigarette, a pleasure for many, took off his clothes, took a book and began to read while the sun warmed it and lessened, a little, the cold of the north wind that blew with intensity.
It seems that he was enjoying the beach day. I don't know if he would take a bath in the cold waters of Las Canteras beach; I would have done it, slowly and with good handwriting.
Yes, there is no doubt that we have to look for those moments for ourselves, move away from the worldly noise, from the chaos that sometimes is to live and have a few hours to give to ourselves that we also need.

19 julio 2019

Bicicletas y ciudades

Fuente: propia
El cambio ya está ahí y muchos no lo quieren ver, un cambio de paradigma que modificará la forma que tenemos de movernos por los centros de las ciudades, pasando del uso mayoritario del coche, al uso de la bicicleta y de los transportes públicos. Un cambio obligado, claro está, por el empuje de una mentalidad más sostenible, que nos llevan a un concepto de ciudades más respetuosas con el medio ambiente y pensadas para el disfrute de los ciudadanos, donde el automóvil desaparecerá de forma paulatina.
Sin embargo, hay ciudadanos que se resisten, como los de mi ciudad, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Una ciudad dominada por la dictadura del coche, que está siendo cuestionada por los responsables políticos que saben que necesitamos una ciudad más amable y más sostenible en todos los sentidos.
Cierto es que hay alternativa y no es otro que fomentar el uso del transporte público. Un transporte público que en la actualidad no es eficiente y no lo es porque tiene un enemigo que impide que lo sea, y ese enemigo no es otro que la multitud de automóviles que colapsan esta ciudad a todas horas, menos por la noche, que hace que su puntualidad y su horario se vayan a la basura y jamás se cumplan.
Los dirigentes políticos han diseñado una alternativa para paliar, en parte, el daño de los colapsos automovilísticos y esa alternativa se llama Metroguagua. Un sistema de transporte que contará con un carril exclusivo que atravesará la ciudad de punta a punta, sin afectarle los posibles atascos. Sin duda es una apuesta decidida que van en el camino adecuado para ofrecer un trasporte público eficaz.
Fuente: Youtube
La otra alternativa es el fomento y uso de la bicicleta. Este medio de transporte está demostrado que es una alternativa válida al coche y, más, en una ciudad como Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, donde el clima favorece su uso en todas las épocas del año.
Los poderes públicos lo han comprendido y están fomentando su uso con la implementación de carriles bicis en la ciudad. Unos carriles bici que están soliviantando el ánimo de muchos ciudadanos porque no aceptan el cambio de paradigma y quieren seguir bajo el yugo del automóvil, atacando a los ciclistas urbanos, diciendo que muchos no respetamos las normas de circulación, pero quizás, estos solo ven la paja en el ojo ajeno y no ven la viga que tienen en el suyo.
De lo que no cabe duda es que una ciudad con menos coches es una ciudad mejor y en el mundo existen claros ejemplos y nosotros, los ciudadanos de esta ciudad, tenemos que aspirar a eso.

18 julio 2019

143 years of Latin Sailing boats precede us

Port of Las Palmas, 1857. Canarian Museum
143 years of Latin Sailing boats preceded us, but I am convinced that the competition between Latin Sailing boats is previous and we should add a few more digits to that figure.
It has been established that the official date of the competitive origin of the Latin Sailing boats is July 24, 1904, in a regatta that was held on the occasion of the patron saint festivities of the neighborhood of San Cristobal in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. However, this date is clearly incorrect because, prior to this date, there were many races between boats that had the rank of official and some were also held upwind. 
It should be noted that from the point of view of the theory of the origin of sport, the origin of a sport is established at the point at which there is evidence of the first manifestation of the sport, and of course the date of July 24 does not meet this requirement, because there are many regattas held earlier that would meet it.
What is clear is that the configuration of the structure of a sport is not established overnight, because this structural configuration is made with the practice of sport, which is polishing the configurating elements of the sport in question.
What's more, not even the regatta held on the aforementioned 24th of July, had all the configurating elements that give shape to our sport, but rather those elements were added as the different sporting competitions were carried out.
The Latin Sailing boats are no strangers to this principle; the Latin Sailing boats had to undergo an evolution from the first competitions in the mid-nineteenth century to its current configuration. 
Perhaps the date that fulfills the mentioned principle would be the regatta that was celebrated the 1 of May of 1876 that has faithful reflection in the press of the time: "Day 1. To the five of the afternoon, maritime cucañas, and regattas of boats with several prizes, during whose games there will be music in the dock of this city (The Press, 1876)". It also appears in the program of the celebrations for the commemoration of the conquest of Gran Canaria: "Day 1: At five o'clock in the afternoon, maritime cucañas and regattas of boats with several prizes, during whose games there will be music in the dock of this city.
This regatta, which was held on the day of San Pedro Mártir, 29 April, was organised by the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Town Hall, in which prizes were established for the best and in subsequent years official regattas continued to be held on the same dates.
But I am convinced that before this date and held boat races, as evidenced in the press of the time, and in 1874 was published: "In the afternoon maritime cucaña on the dock and boat bargaining from that point to the port of La Luz, with three prizes to be distributed in this way: the boat more walker, that is the first to reach the port, eighty pesetas, the second, forty, and the third, twenty. (The Truce, 1874)". Note that the regatta course is from Las Palmas Quay to Puerto de La Luz, that is, from South to North, which suggests that the regatta is also planned against the wind.
This proves that a sport is configured with the different sporting manifestations until it acquires the definitive structure that characterizes it, as has happened with the Latin Sailing boats.
What is clear is that all the regattas held before 1934, when the first boat championship organized by the Sociedad Deportiva Ahemón was held, contributed to give shape to the sport as we know it today, because it is Ahemón who establishes the first formal structure of the competition, bringing together all the elements that shaped the sport that had previously emerged.
This formal structure, established by Ahemón, has reached us to the present day with the evident transformations that have been included from the sixties to the present day, because the Latin Sailing boat competition is a living sporting manifestation and, therefore, open to competitive and formal modifications.
Apart from these sporting events that show that more than 143 years ago there were already boat races, there are other data that corroborate what was said in the press of the moment or in the party programs.
 These other data can be found in the Las Palmas Ship Registry and are provided by José Daniel Rodríguez Zaragoza in his blog "Notes on the maritime history of the Canary Islands". In his entry: "Así comenzó todo. 1.- Los botes de vela latina canaria", he states that in 1866 Latin Sailing boats were already being built exclusively for recreation. So Rodriguez tells us:
"following the track in the Las Palmas Ship Registry, the first boat that appears as strictly made for recreation in the fourth list of the Las Palmas Ship Registry, [...] was the one that appears in folio 14, it was built in 1866, and it was a boat, that was called, curiously, "Eolo". It was built by the riverside carpenter Don Antonio Herrera."
Continuing with Rodriguez's article, we find that the register of boats for recreation and bargaining does not stop there, since in 1872 another boat is registered, the Neptune and 1874 another, Christopher Columbus with similar dimensions.Later, in 1876, two boats were registered that already sound more familiar and are not others than El Canario, which is 5.90 meters long, 1.88 meters wide and 0.74 meters long and the Marino, with 6.15 meters long, 1.94 meters wide and 0.71 meters long.
These data from the Las Palmas Register of Ships, provided by José Daniel Rodríguez Zaragoza, show that the competitions between Latin Sailing boats were already taking place in the middle of the 19th century and that there was a group of amateurs who built boats no longer to work, but exclusively for sporting competition.So, to conclude, it must be said that the sporting origins of Latin boat sailing should be established in the mid-nineteenth century, because there are not only journalistic proofs of these sporting events, but also proofs of registration seats of the boats that were built to participate in these competitions. 

17 julio 2019

¿Qué he leído? Ese mundo desaparecido de Dennis Lehane



Ayer terminé de leer «Ese mundo desaparecido» de Dennis Lehane. Me pareció un libro interesante y muy bien escrito, que te va llevando por el mundo de los mafiosos de los años cuarenta en Florida. La trama está bien narrada, directa y con pocos recovecos, que hacen que la lectura sea agradable y te vaya llevando, a buen ritmo, por la vida del mafioso Joe Coughlin, que tiene que enfrentarse a las conspiraciones internas de su familia y a una velada amenaza de muerte.
La novela va de menos a más, con un ritmo pausado al principio, hasta que va cogiendo ritmo a medida que vamos conociendo a Joe Coughlin, a todos los que le rodean y los entresijos de la mafia de la que forma parte.
En definitiva, una buena novela, entretenida y muy bien escrita.


Formato: EPUB.
Páginas: 352.
Editorial: Salamandra.
ISBN: 978-84-15631-67-5


Joe Coughlin es un mafioso más o menos retirado, que se dedica a gestionar empresas legales, pero, al mismo tiempo, es consejero del jefe del clan mafioso de los Bartolo. Al tiempo le llega el rumor de que quieren acabar con él, el Miércoles de Ceniza, lo que hace que comience a averiguar quién quiere acabar con su vida.

16 julio 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? Losers

I loved this documentary series because it talks about the supposed losers, in a society in which personal and collective success is valued too much. In the eight episodes of the series its protagonists tell us about their failures as athletes and how that failure helped them to be better people.

Each one of them is an example of what it is to fight to reach the goal, regardless of success or failure, because they have realized that what is important is not to achieve success, but what is important is what is learned during the journey to achieve it, regardless of whether you get it or not.

The series begins with the story of Michael Bentt, a boxer who did not want to be a professional boxer, but who became a world champion, but that a KO caused brain damage, which forced him to leave boxing and from there changed his life because he found his true vocation as a film actor coach.

Another example is Aliy Zirkle, a dog sled runner, who has participated in the races of the prestigious Iditarod, Alaska's largest dog sled race and never won it. However, Aliy continues to participate since 2001 without missing any, because for her the race is a test of overcoming.

It's a documentary series to sit down and watch carefully because I'm sure we'll learn something.

Source: Netflix official website on Youtube.
Production: Distributed by Netflix.
Leadership: Mickey Duzyj.
Date: 2019.
Duration of each chapter: Between 24 and 37 minutes.

This documentary series of eight chapters speaks to us of failure as a catharsis for personal and collective change.

15 julio 2019

La eutanasia: un debate controvertido, pero necesario.

Ángel Hernández ha sido detenido por ayudar a su mujer, María José Carrasco, a suicidarse. Ella padecía esclerosis múltiple desde hace más de treinta años y, en los últimos años, esa enfermedad la había deteriorado de forma irremediable. Había manifestado que no quería seguir viviendo en esas condiciones.
María José lo dijo en multitud de ocasiones, que quería suicidarse; una vida en sus condiciones no merecía la pena vivirla, tenía derecho a morir dignamente y Ángel Hernández no hizo otra cosa que ayudarla a comenzar ese camino.
El vídeo que se ha difundido prueba que la intención de ella era clara; no quería seguir viviendo y que para Ángel Hernández no ha sido fácil, pero que, por encima de todo, estaba el deseo de su mujer de tener una muerte digna y el no ha hecho otra cosa que hacer posible ese deseo.
El caso del María José ha puesto sobre el tapete la necesidad de regular la eutanasia, para que nadie se vea en la tesitura en la que se ha visto Ángel Hernández; tener que jugarse su libertad por ayudar a morir dignamente a la persona a la que amaba, sin importarle las consecuencias legales.
El debate es necesario. Los poderes políticos tienen que tomar cartas en el asunto y buscar los acuerdos necesarios para regular la eutanasia que tiene muchas aristas que hay que discutir, pero hay que hacerlo.
La sociedad española es lo suficientemente madura para resistir este debate y, además, una gran mayoría está a favor de que se regule en los casos de enfermedades terminales e incluso para enfermedades graves o irreversibles .
Lo que no puede ser es que forcemos a las personas a dar pasos dolorosos e innecesarios, a incumplir la ley porque los poderes públicos no quieren entrar a dar respuesta a un tema tan complicado y, al mismo tiempo, tan doloroso.
Ya es hora de que la eutanasia entre en la agenda de todos los partidos políticos, que se sienten y se pongan a trabajar para regularla y dejemos de asistir a este tipo acontecimientos que tanto nos afectan y nos duelen.

14 julio 2019

A memory and the truth

 Source: Own 
Yesterday, watching a television program, they did an interview with the writer Marysé Condé and she said that when you talk about memory, you don't know what's true and what's a lie and that they've told us so many things that we think we've lived them.
This reminded me of a story that I used to tell, that when I was a child I had a very clear memory and I had always thought that it had happened to me.
The memory itself was that I was on the Alcaravaneras beach, that I had picked up a beach mat and that I had gone out to sea. Then a boat passed by and overturned it. I held on to it, but I couldn't go up and I almost drowned. Thanks to my uncles who were on the beach and managed to get me out.
I always told this story as if it had happened to me. If I had been in front of a court, I would have sworn and perjured myself that it happened to me, I would even have passed the lie detector. 
So many years went by, until as a teenager, an uncle of mine told me a story that had happened to my father and it turns out that it was identical to what I thought had happened to me, but instead of a mattress, my father used a boat. 
The story my uncle told me related how my father had taken a boat and got lost. They went out looking for him and spent the whole afternoon looking for him and found him at nightfall, faint, but well. 
At that moment I inferred that I heard that story and made it mine, without knowing why, perhaps because I love to tell stories.
After hearing it, I asked my mother if she remembered that something similar had happened to me and she said no, that I had never been on the verge of drowning on any beach, but inside a washing machine, but that's another story I'll tell.
And that story made me reflect on the memories of my childhood, which, perhaps, many of them are from stories we have heard, but which we have never lived and which, for some unknown reason, we make our own and incorporate into our memories as if we had really lived them.

13 julio 2019

Esperando a por la ola

Fuente: propia
Da igual la estación en la que estemos; Las Canteras siempre está preparada para practicar Surf, esté el viento del norte, este, oeste o sur. La ola está ahí esperando a que la surfees.
Todavía recuerdo los tiempos en que las tablas de surf y los boggys no eran tan comunes y nosotros íbamos a las Canteras, a la zona de la Cicer cebar las olas, como decíamos nosotros, a pecho descubierto, sin tener ni idea ni del lado bueno, ni si venía de izquierda o venía de derecha.
A nosotros lo único que nos importaba era cebar la ola, cogerla en el momento adecuado para llegar hasta la orilla, sin que la ola te revolcara a riesgo que te raspara cualquier parte del cuerpo y te dejara el frenazo a carne viva para unas cuantas semanas.
Pero cebar olas no solo tenía el riesgo de llevarte un buen revolcón, sino que también tenía el riesgo de que, con el entusiasmo, la corriente te llevara mar adentro y tener que salir con la ayuda de los pocos surfistas que habían por la zona.
Aún hoy, cuando llega el buen tiempo voy para la Cicer a revivir aquellos buenos momentos, a dejarme llevar por la fuerza del mar y cebar las increíbles olas de la playa de Las Canteras.

12 julio 2019

¿Qué he visto en Netflix? Emboscada final



El domingo pasado vi en Netflix Emboscada final, una película protagonizada por Kevin Costner y Woody Harrelson, dos actores con muchas películas sobre sus espaldas. Esa experiencia interpretativa se pone de manifiesto en la película, con buenos momentos interpretativos y otros no tanto, pero el resultado final es de una película que se deja querer en una tarde apacible de domingo.
La narrativa es sencilla y directa, sin ningún vericueto subtramático que te haga perder el hilo de la trama principal, que no es otra que capturar a los míticos y miserables Bonnie y Clyde, poniéndonos sobre la mesa la otra cara de la moneda que en, muchas ocasiones, se pierde de vista y más tratándose de estos dos forajidos que se convirtieron casi en leyendas.
Fuente del vídeo: Netflix


Producción: Media Rights Capital / Universal International Pictures) / Casey Silver Productions. Distribuida por Netflix.
Dirección:John Lee Hancock
Guion: John Lee Hancock y John Fusco.
Fecha: 2019.
Reparto: Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, Kathy Bates, Kim Dickens, Jane McNeill y Mike Young.
Duración: 120minutos.


Dos antiguos Ranger de Texas son elegidos para detener a los míticos Bonnie y Clyde, que están sembrando el pánico entre los banqueros y los policías y tienen que usar toda su sabiduría policial para lograr pararles los pies.