10 agosto 2019

Your fire

Source: own
I'm already there and the faces are there too,
with the fire in your eyes that ended up burning me,
and almost blinded me,
for not wanting to control such intense love,
that it was an uncontrollable fire,
that I went up and razed my walls and my borders,
and that he made his way waving the flag of passion and lust.

Your fire burned me, but I didn't care;
I threw myself at it as if it were the freshest water,
and then licked my wounds in the corner of your memory,
like the wounded and beaten dog.

I came back and I knew your fire would devour me,
but I was throwing myself at your pyre,
I'd play with your flames and eat the embers of your bonfire,
until there were only your ashes left.

Now, I walk down the street and, from time to time,
I smell the smell of your fire and follow it, until I find you;
you in the center, with the flames on the ground;
They are throwing themselves to burn,
without caring about anything, just you and your fire.

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