06 agosto 2019

The UN warns us: the planet is at the limit

Source: own
The UN is quite clear and has put on the table what has been said for decades: either we change the way we live or the planet goes to shit in a few years' time.
We humans have always behaved like the mambo kings on the planet, importing very little of what was happening around us, exploiting, right and left, all the resources we had within our reach and even those we didn't have in our hands.
This over-exploitation of the natural environment is leading us into a dead end, a point of no return from which we cannot escape and which will lead to destruction sooner rather than later.
The UN, in its latest report presented in Nairobi, warns us of the dangers that threaten the human race, dangers that have not originated by spontaneous generation, but are the consequence of human activity. Problems such as global warming, overexploitation of food or plastics in the seas are directly related to the health indices of humanity.
We cannot wait any longer, the warnings are on the table. Governments must take drastic measures to stop the rampant deterioration of our planet, and citizens must push for governments to take the necessary measures to stop its destruction.
As the UN says, we have the technology and resources to make this world a more sustainable place, a place where we can live in tune with what surrounds us.
To change course is in our hand; to head for the seafood, as they say in my land, or for a better future for us and our children.

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