02 agosto 2019

The dictatorship of the automobile

Source: own
There are cities that are not made for bicycles, as is the case of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a city where the car is its owner and lord and is the cause of the daily traffic jams and the discomfort of thousands of citizens.
You don't have to walk much to realize what I'm saying, at the first change you find cars everywhere, here and there, without leaving us almost breathless and such a number of cars harm us when we move, ruining the effectiveness of other means of transport because they become entangled in that car spider web that makes them ineffective.
The City Council of this city has insisted, with success, in establishing a set of bicycle lanes that cross the lower part of the city, to try to make this metropolis, a friendlier city and also more sustainable.
Because it is clear that when a city bets on bicycles, it is a city that bets on its citizens and there are many examples in the world, but also here in Spain. One outstanding case is the city of Seville, which I have made a firm commitment to the use of bicycles and the results could not be more encouraging.
The city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has begun to create its network of bicycle lanes and some are already raising their voices because these bicycle lanes are taking away parking spaces and here enters, roundly, the dictatorship of the car, which is imposed on anything that is not move without this four-wheeled vehicle.
And the arguments cannot be more pilgrims, saying that they are bicycle lanes that nobody is going to use, but it turns out that, in the cities where bicycle lanes have been implemented, in the end they end up flooding with bicycles, because moving by bicycle along safe lanes is a more than feasible option and the citizen ends up understanding that it is faster to move by bicycle than by car.
I have been going to work by bicycle for more than a year now and I have to say that the experience is satisfactory, not only because I am contributing, with my grain of sand, to reducing pollution, but I am also helping to reduce the number of motor vehicles in this city and to improve my health.
Without a doubt, when the network of bicycle lanes is finished, this city will take a step forward, a step towards modernity, with the unequivocal direction of having a city for citizens and not a city for cars

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