05 julio 2019

What have I seen on Netflix? Second season of Suburra

Source: Netflix
Yesterday I finished watching Suburra's second season and I have to say that I liked it quite a lot, not more than the first season, but it was up to the task, maintaining the dramatic tension without deviating with useless sub-plots that lead nowhere.
Although in the middle of the season, on the fourth episode, the series enters into a kind of slowing down of the action, as if I wanted to catch a little breath and continue with the rhythm that I had since chapter one.
The important thing, in my opinion, is that the series continues to keep the interest in how the three friends, Aureliano, Spadino and Lele, try to become the new mafia kings of Rome, with direct action and without the hassles that take us away from the main plot.
I hope that the third season, which in the eighth chapter gave us a preview of how it was going to be, will be just as interesting or more so than this one.

Source: Netflix

Production company: Cattleya / Rai Fiction. Distributed by Netflix.
Director: Michele Placido, Andrea Molaioli, Giuseppe Capotondi.
Script: Barbara Petronio, Ezio Abbate, Fabrizio Bettelli, Daniele Cesarano, Nicola Guaglianone.
Date: 2019.
Cast: Filippo Nigro, Alessandro Borghi, Francesco Acquaroli, Adamo Dionisi, Giacomo Ferrara, Claudia Gerini, Carlotta Antonelli, Daniele Amendola, Eduardo Valdarnini, Paola Sotgiu, Barbara Chichiarelli, Alessandro Bernardini, Lorena Cesarini, Mirella Sarachelli. 
Duration: 55 minutes.

The three friends, Aureliano, Spadino and Lele, try to control by all possible means the mafia that reigns in Rome, but they will encounter many difficulties, both within their families and outside and will have to overcome very hard tests to reach their goal.

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