02 mayo 2019

White flowers bouquet

Continuing with the winter flowers, today I bring you this bouquet of white flowers that I found on a morning walk on the beach of Las Canteras, which as I said on previous occasions, is perhaps the best urban beach in the world.
My morning walks are almost sacred, I always look for the necessary time to walk a little, which suits me well to keep at bay the ailments of the age and to maintain, even if it is a little, the physical form.
Las Canteras beach is an ideal place to walk because the temperature is pleasant most of the time, the sea breeze is comforting and the landscape is incomparable.
Along the promenade you can find flowerpots with many flowers, which the competent authority is in charge of maintaining to give more beauty, if possible, to the jewel in the crown of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
This white flowers were in one of those flowerpots, along with others, but it was this one that caught my attention because of the almost perfect conjunction of white and green.
So, without giving it much thought, I looked for the correct position with respect to the sun and took the photograph.
Picture taken with an Acer Liquid Z630 mobile phone

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