27 diciembre 2017

The title of the post? Short

At this point we all know that titles have to be attractive and there are a large number of entries that tell us about the topic; according to St. Google, 12,400,000 results speak of the topic.
Here at Steemit, we have a lot of posts that talk about it, however, I am not going to tell you about all the aspects that must be taken into account in order to make a title attractive. I am going to tell you about a single aspect that for me is one of the most important and is its size, because, once again, size does matter.
It matters because our brains like short titles, because they bring clarity and help in the processing of information.
Keep in mind that our brain processes 400 million bits per second and that's a lot of information for us to complicate it, even more, putting a long and incomprehensible title.
For that reason we have to make an intellectual effort to try to make a title as short as possible and at the same time the title must to talk about the content of your post. 
Yes, I know it's complicated, but not impossible. 
The first thing you have to take into account is what you are going to talk about in your post, because if you don't know, it will be very difficult to make a short and clear title, because, many times, we have an undetermined nebula of what we are going to talk about and that detail complicates the issue a lot. 
One thing that can help you make a short, clarifying title is to write the entry first and then write the title, because it might give you some idea for the title. 
So the first step in making a short and clear title is to know what we are going to talk about in our post; that is the fundamental principle. If we have that aspect solved, making the title won't be too difficult.
Once we have determined the issue we are going to deal with, we need to design the title of our entry. 
To do this, it is necessary that the title does not contain more than 60 characters. In this link:  Contador de Caracteres para SEO  you can "measure" how long your title is.   
As I have already said, our brain likes that of "yes brief, twice as good", but not only does our brain like it, but also St. Google, who enjoys indexing short titles, not more than 60 characters, the long ones shorten them without compassion. Because, my friends, it is not only necessary to think about the 7 crucial days of life of our posts in Steemit, but also that those posts will be read in the future and that they will form part of our personal brand.  Don't forget that.
Another aspect that has to be in the title is the main theme of the post. I know it is logical, but there are still people who do not have it very clear, so we must do everything possible to make that the message in our post is in the title.
I know this is difficult, but we have to try, because the title is the doorway to our post, it's the first thing our potential reader and follower reads.
That there is such a relationship between the title and the entry is very important because one of the aspects that bothers readers most are false expectations; if your title says pears, talk about pears, do not talk to us about apples, avocados, bananas, oranges and mangoes, no, talk about pears, that 90% of your entry talks about pears.
So you already know it, the title of your post, short, clear and containing the essence of your post. 

 Photo source:  Canvas

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